10 Guidelines To Behave Towards Our Kids

1. Apologize to children when you are wrong.

2. Do not assume you’re smarter than a child simply because you’re older.

3. Say thank you to children when they do something for you or others.

4. Admit when you’ve made a mistake and admit it openly to them.

5. Listen to children, avoid to neglect them at all cost.

6. Be sure to set boundaries for acceptable behavior.

7. Lead by example.

8. Teach and practice compassion, kindness and love.

9. Explain to them that actions have consequences good or bad.

10. Let them see that you enjoy watching and nurturing them.


What To Do When Your Life Falls Apart

Sometimes when things fall apart, they are act...

Sometimes when things fall apart, they are actually falling into place (Photo credit: symphony of love)

I found this OH SO appropriate post by a contributor to The Daily Love…..a blog curated by Mastin Kipp. The author of this masterpiece is Kute Blackson, speaker and life coach and one of my newfound sources of inspiration! I hope you all find it as moving and touching as I do and that it helps…..even just a little bit…..through those tough days we all have.


When your life as you know it falls apart, it is a great blessing.


Give thanks.


In that moment realize that your life is actually falling together even though you might not see it.


If your life falls apart then you are ready for something bigger.


It falls apart because it was too small for who you are becoming.


It falls apart because there is something more that is seeking to express itself in and as your life.


It falls apart because what you were living is no longer in alignment with who you are.


It falls apart because life is letting you know that perhaps you have gotten too comfortable where you’re at and need to grow to the next level.


Life is change. Life is growth. Life is a cycle of Creation-Life-Destruction. Every birth is another form of death. And every death is another form of birth.


Often when things fall apart we become afraid, we panic, we resist and fight life. We hold on to what we know, even though it no longer works or serves us.


This only keeps you stuck.


Holding on to the old will not bring what is new. Resisting what is new will not transform or change what is old.


When life falls apart you can resist or fight, which ultimately only leads to suffering and struggle.


So, what do you do when your life as you know it falls apart?


Simply, LET GO!


Perhaps it’s a relationship, job, or a house.


Let Go! And Trust.


Trust that what no longer remains in your life is no longer meant to be there. And that the Uni-verse is just making room for what is more in alignment with your highest good.


When things fall apart, the Uni-verse is trying to make space for something greater.


When life as you know it stops working and falls apart this is the moment to let go of your ego, as it can only take you so far. This is the moment to let go of your ego’s attachment of how your life should be, and surrender.


In every crisis is an opportunity to let go of what is inauthentic and live with more integrity.


In every breakdown is the blessing of a breakthrough.


In every challenging situation is the gift to help your soul evolve and become who you were really meant to be.


So if your life as you know it is falling apart give thanks and…





