Advice? Prayers? Help Needed And Requested Please.

Live surgery webcast from Christiana Care Cent...

Live surgery webcast from Christiana Care Center for Advanced Joint Replacement (Photo credit: Christiana Care)

So, my WordPress friends and family, I am facing  a daunting problem. As reported in an earlier post this week, I was experiencing some severe mouth pain that I felt was connected to unpleasant memories and feelings. I actually was feeling better and thought I was out of the woods. But I am not. Today I was informed, and shown radiological proof that I have osteomyelitis in my jaw that is unresponsive to antibiotics. A portion of my lower  jaw needs excision, removal and replacement with cadaver bone. And because of my artificial joints being highly susceptible to a migrating infection, this needs to happen quickly. Okay. Breathe.

Surgery is scheduled for next week on the condition that I obtain cardiovascular clearance, hematological oncology clearance, and orthopedic clearance in addition to the standard pre-surgery screenings. And it is a short work week here in the US due to Labor Day. Whew. On the bright side, since this is now a medically urgent problem and not a dental one, medicare health insurance will cover a large part of it.

Here is where I ask for much-needed help.  In addition to the typical trepidation one feels when they face surgery, I have the added mental health terrors. Already, I am struggling to BE with my urges to dissociate and horrific combination flashback body memories of having my nose and mouth covered from childhood abuse. I have reached out to all my treating practitioners and my small…..okay teeny, tiny… system, but I am feeling very overwhelmed. So, I am asking all of you for your thoughts, prayers, advice, and good wishes because I believe very strongly in the power of collective thought energy. I thank you all in advance for your support and empathy.My usual resolve (which I have worked very hard at) is crumbling now. But I am trying to get back to a space of peace and acceptance.  I will keep on going…..somehow.

Is This Evidence Of The Powerful Mind-Body Connection?

My tooth.JPG

My tooth.JPG (Photo credit: Brian_Kellett)

Let me first state that for those of you who prescribe to the Cartesian/ Newtonian view of the world…..this post is going to sound woo woo… in “CRAZY”… bear with me. I have not posted for a few days because I have been rolling around in pain. Last Thursday I awoke with horrible face and head pain. I instinctively knew this was not a migraine and within a few hours had that confirmed as the throbbing in my jaw intensified. I had a tooth infection. Now anyone who has ever had a  tooth abscess can relate to the  incredible pain that accompanies it. Ughhh. I scrambled to secure an appointment with a dentist and called my family doctor for an antibiotics. I happen to be one of those lucky folks who has endured multiple total joint replacements, making a simple trip to a dentist a somewhat dangerous proposition. Any foot or dental procedure requires pre-medication on my part to lessen the risk of infection spreading to my bionic joints. So, twenty-four hours later, off I went to the dentist. As I sat agonized in the chair, the dentist informed me that I had a pocket of infection the size of a nickel between two old root canals. This meant there was not much of a tooth even there to treat, rather a neolithic post that closely resembles a molly bolt, going straight down and then expanding into a “T” shape in the jaw. That was not good news. You see, that post meant that no endodontist, oral surgeon, or dentist in the country would touch this problem without a full hospital surgical theater. Complicating matters further, my medical history as I have shared here includes a bleeding disorder, which is a very scary thing for surgeons. Now, I am in horrible pain and I am feeling hopeless. For those of you not familiar with the United States medicare system, dental work is NOT covered. What to do?

Over the next day, the pain intensified and triggered a full-blown migraine. Okay add visual disturbance and constant vomiting to the list as well. I become concerned that the pain will overwhelm my ability to cope and that I am throwing up my antibiotics.  I reach out to my psychologist for help and here is where the story gets weird.

You see, last Wednesday I made a concerted effort to dip my toe into the water of “the real world” and joined a meetup group in my area. This group, full of wonderful people, shall remain anonymous because I do not want to cast aspersions upon them. Professional, outgoing, sincere people attended this group aimed at assisting all in the art of public speaking. They were not the problem, I was. You see, my background includes some harrowing experiences being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. For those of you unfamiliar, part of my mandated religious experience included one to two hours every single week of theocratic ministry instruction. That is a fancy way of saying “learning how to speak publicly in a way that persuades others to join your religion.” So this well-meaning, innocent, meetup group triggered the Hell out of me. I hadn’t expected that and went home completely overwhelmed and struggling with dissociation.

Public Speaking University (cover shot)

Public Speaking University (cover shot) (Photo credit: justinplambert)

My therapist was aware of this incident. As I sat in his office yesterday, he gently offered an interesting point of view. Could it be that my body was reacting to the emotions and experience of that Wednesday evening? Could it be that I felt emotional pain with what I was hearing that night and it registered as an invasion in the jaw area by my ear. After all, an infection is an invasion of a foreign body gone wild. After all, every change that occurs in the mental and emotional state…..whether conscious or unconscious… accompanied by change in the physiological state.  After all, I did not like what I was hearing that evening, as it generated flashbacks of  nightmarish events. Was my body reacting to that? Is it possible? And if so, could I change it without further medical intervention?

After contemplating these remarks for a bit, I decided to give it a try. From my point of view, it couldn’t hurt and if it actually worked, well…..bonus! For the next twenty-four hours I employed visualization, EFT, mindfulness, and self-hypnosis techniques to the best of my ability. Please note that I am FAR from an expert in these things and would never be accused of being “skilled”…..but I did try. And here is the weird part. It worked. Really. I awoke this morning without the agonizing pain. My new dental x-ray shows that a dime size pocket of infection still exists.

EFT-tapping points

EFT-tapping points (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I know, I know…..maybe it was the antibiotics. Maybe it had nothing to do with all my woo woo efforts. But maybe….. just maybe….. it did. What do you think?  I am curious about your thoughts on this idea. Is this evidence of the mind-body connection? Or am I crazy?

Why Do I Need To Take Psych Meds If I Don’t Want To?

Meds (song)

Meds (song) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am writing this unusually short post in response to several emails I have received in the past 48 hours. The question being asked is “My doctor wants me to take X (substitute X with any of the psych meds available by prescription) and I don’t want to. Should I take it?”

Here are my thoughts on this…..First let me state for the record that I am not a doctor of medicine. Second, I don’t know what I don’t know…..and that pertains to the reader’s life circumstances and the acknowledgement that I am not an expert in pharmaceuticals. With that said, here is my answer. NO! Did everyone hear that? NO!!! Why? Because if YOU have concerns, you should feel free to discuss these concerns with  the prescribing doctor. If for some reason you feel you are unable to discuss these concerns, then you should see big red flags in your mind telling you to change doctors. As a consumer of the medical “system” , I CAN tell you that it is at your own peril if you do not recognize that you cannot…..for whatever reason…..have an open discussion with your provider about your feelings and concerns. I say that because I have made that mistake. I have been there. I once thought that doctors were second only to Gods and viewed them as authority figures not to be questioned….. and it almost cost me my life. Second, if you feel that you have tried to bring your concerns to your doctor but you still do not understand his or her reasoning for prescribing the medication, again change doctors. Two way communication between health care practitioner and client/patient is the ONLY way that this broken medical system stands half a chance of working to the benefit of the consumer… Please remember that even though we are all intricately connected in a myriad of ways, there is still only one YOU and YOU know yourself better than anyone else, even if you don’t think so. Abdicating our personal responsibility for our own selves leads to further blame and victimization…..two things that benefit no one.

Drug companies use direct-to-prescriber advert...

Drug companies use direct-to-prescriber advertising in an effort to convince prescribers to dispense as written with brand-name products rather than generic drugs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t know whether your doctor is “right” in telling you to take a certain medication or not, but I DO know that your input in the matter is not only invaluable, it’s darn near vital. I am well aware that some of us have experienced traumas in our life or been indoctrinated in such a way that we feel unable to speak our minds, but this has to stop for the sake of our wholeness and ability to live a full, happy life. We all deserve to live our best life.   So please, talk to your health care provider, open up a dialog, and if you can’t or this does not work, then change your provider. It doesn’t matter how many times you try (you are not CRAZY for wanting to have a health care practitioner who listens to you), just that you find one.  It is YOUR life we are talking about here. There is only one YOU in this world and believe it or not…..YOU MATTER.

Prescription Pad

Prescription Pad (Photo credit: VCU Libraries)